
Amenities at Hotel Blu

Living at the Residencies at Hotel Blu gives you access to exclusive in-building amenities that you can’t find at any other apartments for rent in Vancouver.

You’ll always feel safe and secure with convenient24 hour concierge service, RFID code secured access to every floor (similar to in-suite security), gated underground parking and secure storage lockers are available for every suite (additional charges apply).

Luxury Amenities

Stay fit by taking advantage of the state-of-the-art full service fitness centre. Or sign up for a membership and get your workout in the indoor swimming pool and hot tub, complete with shower facilities.

We’ve made our luxury amenities eco-friendly, too. Green thumb gardeners will love the rooftop garden, complete with community garden plots and kids can get outside with the children’s play area. Or, if you’re on the go, we have electric bike and car chargers available for tenants and exclusive access to Car2Go® and ZipCar® car sharing services to make your commuting a little easier.

Building Amenities at a Glance